South Down Lodge celebrated its 100 years of existence in grand style. After requesting and gaining special dispensation, an extra meeting was organised.  The Masonic Temple at Queens Road was the venue for this mile stone in the lodge’s history on Saturday 19th May 1979.

The Temple room itself was obviously packed with 54 members and 109 guests, which included 17 officiating and dedicating officers. The lodge was opened at 4.00p.m. Soon after, the Provincial Grand Master R. W.Bro. Sir Leonard Barford accompanied by his Deputy V. W.Bro. Harold Myersclough was escorted in to the lodge at the head of the provincial team.    After the customary greetings and proclamation of the P.G.M. he was invited to occupy the chair and in doing so he then appointed the Provincial Senior and Junior Wardens who took their respective places.    In his address, the P.G.M. made special reference to the many achievements and high standards of the lodge during its 100 years.

As part of the celebrations the P.G.M. presented all the brethren of South Down Lodge with a Centenery jewel. After which he invited his Deputy P.G.M. to occupy the chair and conduct the ceremony of banner dedication. This commenced with an address to the brethren before requesting that a procession be formed to bring the new banner into the lodge which culminated in its unveiling. It was further processed around the lodge before being  received over the great lights in Freemasonry by the Centenary Master W.Bro. Victor Heal. Finally the new banner was dedicated by the Dep. P.G.M. which concluded these celebrations.

Needless to say the subsequent banquet was a lavish affair with high quality cuisine and with musical accompaniment. A special menu was printed for the evening which included a comprehensive  history of South Down Lodge since its consecration. This was an excellent piece of research, conducted by W.Bros. Tongue and Morris. A  complete copy of this worthy work has been included on the next pages. Every effort has been made not to duplicate the information that it contains. On the contrary, if it is read in conjunction with the previous information, a fuller picture of the lodge’s history can be appreciated.